147 Wartemodus

written by Kate on in all home garden year03

Ich bin im Garten um nach allem zu sehen und es ist so kalt schon wieder, aber alles lebt um mich rum und ich bin so froh, dass nichts kaputt ist.

Zuhause nahmen die Dinge endlich Gestalt an. Wir hatten alles absolut Notwendige wieder. Es war Warten angesagt.

Warten auf ein dauerhafteres Zuhause. Warten auf Frühling. Warten auf meine OP. Alles fühlt sich nach Limbo an. Ich war voll und ganz im Wartemodus.

146 Pfannkuchen-Prokrastination

written by Kate on in all home garden year03

Wannimmer mein Hirn eine Pause vom Studieren brauchte, war die Küche in vollem Schwung. Pfannkuchen, Sauerteigpizzaschnecken und Sirup für Getränke brachten Ablenkung von den Klausurvorbereitungen. Ich zeige euch das alles, während ich über gute Quellen für Zutaten spreche und mich über Supermarktbio aufrege.

145 The final Youtube video

written by Kate on in all personal year03

I am leaving Youtube. I won’t quit making videos but I won’t be uploading them to Youtube anymore. When I started making this video, I was pulling out before Youtube pushed past my comfort zone with their policies. By now, the line has been crossed. If you want to continue watching my videos, to continue following my journey, you’ll need to follow me at least to Peertube.

144 A rare retreat

written by Kate on in all home garden year03

The garden is now an hour’s drive away. It’s a rare refuge. I lucked out that my appointments in the area aligned with a rare beautiful winter day. A day in the garden, away from all the politics and injustice out there, it’s rare but it’s everything. So, today, I won’t rant about the world out there. Today, we’ll harvest some spinach and talk about pretty things.

143 Signs of normality

written by Kate on in all garden year03

For weeks, I’ve been reacting to things going wrong. Finally, I am back to acting, choosing, planning. When we found out we’d have to move by the end of the year, things got chaotic quickly. Add two ER visits, and I’ve had quite the end of the year.

142 The first snow

written by Kate on in all garden year02

The first snow has arrived and with it a lot of chaos. We got sick earlier this month, so most of November was spent on the couch. By the time, I was getting better, snow had arrived–and we found out we’d need to move home and garden.

141 Garden goes to sleep

written by Kate on in all home garden year02

The end of October brought dark, wet, but still very warm days. I had a plan for next year’s garden, so I brought cardboard into the garden to start new beds with. I’d already prepared most of the beds for winter, made most of the new beds. Three beds were left to start. I’ll likely never get to plant these beds. But I didn’t know that yet, so I worked diligently.

I struggled a lot to finish what set out to be a fluffy video about harvesting carrots and planting garlic, so I created the episode that felt more fitting in addition. If you need a break from politics and the dire state of the world, watch the fluffy version instead.

140A Fluffy harvesting and planting

written by Kate on in all garden year02

If you need a break from politics, here’s a fluffy video where I plant garlic, harvest carrots, the sun shines, and a dog gets a treat. I struggled a lot to make this video, so there is a non-fluffy version in addition with some real-talk about the current situation. This is not it. This one is all sunshine.

139 Bad-weather garden tour

written by Kate on in all garden year02

A garden tour in bad weather with everything you missed because I lost three weeks worth of footage. I’ll show you the new beds I made, how I’ve turned everything over for winter, and give you an update on what’s still growing in November in North-East Germany.