After a quick walk in the forest, I’ll be turning things around–literally. I’m not out of my winter funk but I am trying to keep busy with projects. This time, we’ll take care of an urgent task: making my plants happy.
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It’s almost sunset but there’s some sunshine. Pepper and I are just going for a quick walk, just to enjoy the sunshine a little bit before the sun vanishes.
I mean, we don’t actually get any sunshine on our face, because the sun is way too low, but just seeing it behind the trees makes all the difference already. And it’s just so nice out! It’s just barely over freezing, so the snow is slowly melting, but there’s just a little bit left.
I don’t know how this will look in a couple of days if it keeps getting warmer, or warm enough for the snow to melt. Everything is already overflowing, and there is too much water in this forest already.
So, I don’t know how that’s going to go when all the snow melts, but, yeah, we’re going to see. For now, I’m just happy to be outside with some actual sunshine.
Now, let’s have a look at our temporary pond. This is a temporarily flooded forest.
When it dries up, then there is a lot less water here. But, right now, the lake is filled to the very rim. Like, completely filled up…
What’s really cool, in summer, or when it’s dry, this completely dries up, and then there’s just a ditch.
Things grow there that aren’t water plants, and the animals dig around in the bottom and all that. It’s really cool. And then, in spring, there are frogs laying their eggs here. That’s really cool to see!
I really hope that this year I don’t miss the actual spawning events of those frogs. Because, last year, I saw the eggs but then I never actually got to see any frogs [hatch]. I’m hoping this year, that’ll be better. Last year, they were right here in that area down there, so that was really cool.
I was out just a few days ago, and I was freezing, even though I was wearing shoes. And right now, I’m walking barefoot in the snow, and I’m not cold, because there is less snow on the ground, and especially less wind.
But just look how overwhelmed this forest is by all the water. Let me turn the camera around…
With every inch the sun set, temperatures dropped, too, so we headed home soon after.
I’d been meaning to add some support for my toilet paper plants for a while. I finally added some bamboo and strings.
My plants weren’t happy up on my shelf, even with some artificial lights. I’ll have to do something about that.
As soon as the sun sets, I feel like it’s too late to rearrange furniture, though. So, I quickly tackled some refills, and added the finally arrived beans to a crate. Dealing with furniture would need to wait until the next day.