There is a part of my land I’ve been ignoring completely. Hidden between the hazelnuts, there is a second structure on my land. A shed? A hut? When I got here, this thing was filled with cracked rain barrels, and a whole lot of trash.
I removed and inspected the rain barrels, managed to fix two, and then ignored the hut completely. I’d had a roof to fix after all. Out of sight, out of mind.
It was time to change that.
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I hadn’t even known there was a door. It’ll need fixing but it might work. As I was already wearing gloves and holding the mini chain saw, I decided to deal with the tree first. It was a welcome excuse not to work on the moldy trash.
I’m sure all this plastic was useful material in the past. But it has degraded to shards and pieces. Had the previous owner ignored this hut, too?
I walked to the trash piles countless times. And countless more. And then I found the first weird thing: An old shipping crate with an old address from a few towns over.
The paper was fragile and hard to read. The brand and drawings suggest chicken feed, though. Twenty years old chicken feed? I closed the lid, and got a mask. Time to tackle the ceiling.
Chicken feathers started falling from the space between ceiling and roof. When the dead, half-mummified chicken fell down, it looked more like a beach ball. But the beak and feet were hard to misinterpret.
It felt like I’d dug up a dinosaur fossil. Curious, I moved the chest to access the bench storage. I was not disappointed when I found more of that white powder, this time with what looked like a nest. Imagine the happy mouse family that used to live in chicken feed.
The hut was almost empty. And so were my body’s batteries. So, I came back the next day.
Okay, it’s time to tackle the second hut. I’ve cleared everything around it, and there’s no excuse anymore, because I want the people who take the trash to also take the roof.
It’s in pretty bad condition, so I’m just going to take it all off, put a tarp on, and deal with it later. But for now, I just need to get the materials off my land.
The roof was in the worst condition. Too rotten to keep, too intact to easily tear down. Some of the nails were rusted to thin pins.
I’d spent hours clearing the area around. Now I was making new piles of moldy wood and rusty nails. Soon, I’ll have to carry all of that to my growing trash piles.
I made decent enough progress on the outer half of the roof. I’ll take the rest off from inside. The blinds on the weathered side were too rotten to keep, so I took them off.
I still don’t know how far I’ll have to take this apart to reach intact materials. I would prefer keeping the walls, but I’ll have to start tearing off the inside to take a look.
The second side was in better shape, so I decided to keep the for now. The second side of the roof was even worse. Some parts were completely intact, others completely rotten. Again, I removed the outer half I could reach with my own ladder, and left the rest for another day.
There is still a decent chance that I’ll have to take down this entire hut. So far, every layer taken off has revealed more issues.
Especially where the roof has been completely open for years, I’m surprised it’s still standing at all. Anyone know what these two weird hook tools on the wall are for?
Yet another storm was coming. The foil from the roof project was still in decent shape. So, I went in for another round of Kate versus tarp. It took 25 minutes… But I managed. The hut was covered.
I covered the roof. It’s actually looking okay. It’s definitely… there’s some holes in it. But it’s the best I can do at the moment, because I don’t have a proper tarp. That’s the one I used for the other roof. So, it’s not in really good condition. But it’s better than an open roof, so we’ll just leave it at that for now. And I’ll be continuing to take down the roof from the inside.
I go check the garden every day, or at least I try to, just to make sure that everything is alright, and also to get used to going here every day for when I’m growing food and potentially have some animals. We’ll see about that.
So, today, the weather really sucks. But there’s no way around forming a habit, so I’m here anyway. Let’s go have a look in this stormy, pretty weather.
“Yes?” “Yes!” “Yes!!” It might look like absolute crap, but it is working.
So long, and thanks for being here!