147 Waiting mode

written by Kate on in all home garden year03

I'm in the garden to check on everything and it is so cold again but there is life everywhere and I'm very happy that nothing is lost.

At home, things were slowly taking shape. We had the bare essential to live again. It was a time of waiting. Waiting to find a more permanent home. Waiting for spring. Waiting for my operation.

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Everything felt in limbo. I was in full-on waiting mode.

The kitchen is barely usable. So, I'm waiting to leave this kitchen. Waiting for a kitchen with a functioning cooktop, a kitchen with enough room to work, with enough room to store things. Our kitchen is in waiting mode but we make it work. It's temporary, after all. It's all temporary.

Things take longer but I can manage. I bake breads and pizzas. I make stock and broth. I cook. I can. I don't enjoy the space. The dysfunctional space takes the joy out of preparing meals. But it works.

While there is little room to do or store anything, there is more room to move in this kitchen. It's not all bad. Some things are even better than they were before: the sink I saved from the trash works wonders.

The dishwasher we were given is great. But this isn't home. It never will be. Too many neighbors, too much trash, too much light and noise pollution. Too little nature, too little calm and quiet, too little space to breathe, think, exist.

Filming had taken a back seat while I waited for my operation day to finally come. Waiting, waiting, waiting.

I had chosen the earliest operation date after my exams and seminars. Now, it could not arrive quickly enough. I wasn't scared to get operated. I was scared of the hospital and recovery. In late January, I realized I'd have to share a room.

I remembered crying in all the hospital beds I'd been in. Crying that I had to be there, that there were people. But my operation will be a topic for another video. Instead, let's hide in the garden.

Kate is talking at the camera grinning. Behind her, is her garden house..

I'm in the garden to check on everything and it is so cold again, but there is life everywhere, and I'm very happy that nothing is lost so far. I can't actually get into my garden house right now because well I locked it and I don't have the key, but it's closed so I'm just gonna assume everything's fine in there.

All the things that I've planted into containers to take with us when we move to the new garden wherever that might be and whenever that might be are still looking good. Let's have a look.

Look at that. Everything's still alive except the banana. The banana just died. I don't know what's wrong with it.

We're just gonna accept that but the strawberries are still looking like strawberries, and the lavender plants made it, and even the strawberry plant back here that fell over everything looks fine. So everything except the banana made it.

We're gonna take some of that home and some of that so I can make new syrup, but yeah, everything's looking good.

Even in the places where I tore everything apart you can see life. Look at that. There's tulips and there's strawberries. There's tulips here. There's a tulip there and there's tulips in there.

So I think that even where I took everything we're gonna get just new strawberries and tulips. Just look at that. There's barely any soil left and they're just going.

I harvested a few things so that's something too and now I'm just gonna take some of the mint. Well actually I'm gonna leave the mint. There's not enough there that I take it so we'll just... Nope. I don't have scissors. Dammit.

I wanted to take some of the mint and the lavender but that's just not gonna happen because I can't get to the scissors. They are in the garden house so yeah well next time.

But the garden's looking good. There's nothing here that I really need to deal with. Everything can just stay the way it is until I come by next time. So yeah, I guess there are some good news on this day.

It's been a long one. I recharged my social batteries with some friends, well former neighbors who are friends. And I'm here in the garden now to just harvest a few things and I'm feeling so much better.

The garden brought much relief from my nerves. I was only there for a little while, as it was getting late and cold. But seeing how well my corn salad and spinach were doing, harvesting some, touching soil--it helped.

While the beets were done, the leeks looked promising. I'll get to harvest those in early summer. There will be some harvest this year.

And I think I'll actually get to see what happens to the garlic and the onions, because this part of the garden will be mine until next December.

And if I'm going to come here anyway to check on everything, I hopefully will be here when I can harvest all those things. Next time or the time after that when I come here, I'll also be putting in the potatoes.

I was going to check on those, but I can't get into the garden house. So I'm just going to trust that everything's fine there and have a look at all the garlic and onions out here.

The bed I checked first has gone through a lot. When my husband brought things in during the move, he didn't see the bed until he was almost done. These have been trampled. But they recovered.

The onions were just poking through the mulch. All beds seemed have sprouted. And the earliest spring herbs were announcing the coming change in season.

I guess it is spring the first ones are here. I've missed eating nature.

Despite the signs of pre-spring having arrived, the temperatures were still very low. How could I not poke the ice?

The onions are a little behind the garlic in all beds, but all the alliums seem to be growing. Few overwintering field bean, though. The shoots are apparently delicious to some wildlife. By now, there are three left.

Okay, almost ready to leave, let me just quickly check that everything in the garden house is fine and that all the pots in front of it are looking good. So yeah, let me just get in here real quick.

The unknown brassica is still there, everything else is looking pretty sad but that's fine because we trimmed it back all the way so we're gonna see if they come back when it gets warmer. But nothing's damaged, everything looks fine so I guess we're good.

The balcony planters were still green. I don't need them yet, so they can continue to grow wild. And who knows, maybe the lettuce and kale will grow into salad leaves. We'll seee what happens.

I really struggled filming the other side of the greenhouse. The camera did not want to focus on the branches and buds. So, let me just tell you that almost all of the branches were showing new growth.

I have no idea what's what at this point but all of these are berries of some kind. These two in the terracotta pots are blueberries. They, too, are regrowing after winter. Now, we just need to wait until we find a new garden. More waiting, I guess.

Meanwhile, I'll enjoy my garden in little pockets of bliss. Spring is coming. Soon, I'll be recovered from surgery.

So long, and thanks for being here.

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