062 Turning things around

written by Kate on in all home year02

After a quick walk in the forest, I’ll be turning things around–literally. I’m not out of my winter funk but I am trying to keep busy with projects. This time, we’ll take care of an urgent task: making my plants happy.

061 The stupid machine

written by Kate on in all home year02

With the snow returned, I focus on projects indoors. Fast walks through the forest are all I can bear while it is this cold. But I’ve been complaining enough. It’s time to pull myself out of my winter funk, no matter the weather.

060 The darkest days

written by Kate on in all home year02

For most of December, our home was an utter mess. Food was stacked in my room with exactly enough room to sleep. Okay, sometimes. After a real break, I finally made progress.

059 Overwhelmed by jars

written by Kate on in all home year02

For most of December, our home was an utter mess. Food was stacked in my room with exactly enough room to sleep. Okay, sometimes. After a real break, I finally made progress.

058 A real break

written by Kate on in all home foraging year02

With the year coming to a close, I finally get a real break. I went for a few nice walks with Pepper and my husband. We even found some mushrooms. But first, I need to check on the garden house roof repair.

057 Three things, three days

written by Kate on in all home year02

There are three things I needed to get done in one day to avoid wasting food, but my food processor broke, and things fell apart. Nonetheless, I canned potatoes, broke apart a whole chicken, and got my kombucha done. A day with three tasks turned into three days.