When I started my first Youtube channel in 2018, I didn’t think I’d last long. Many years later, I can’t imagine not creating videos, sharing my journey and my knowledge. Today, I’ll tell you all about why I am not quitting and the future of my channel while dealing with a bunch of trash in the garden and continuing to demolish the garden shed.
With my bedroom slowly turning into a plant nursery, I use any okay day to work in the garden and make progress there. This time, I continued the demolition of the second hut. Tearing down the shed is far from done, but I called it a day to enjoy a forest walk past where the frogs are spawning.
Spring is still playing tug-o-war with the remnants of winter here. But the occasional warmer days have me preparing for warmer days to come soon. I clean up our balcony, drive off more trash from the overgrown plot, and make very simple grilled-cheese sandwiches.
I take advantage of a gap in the rainy weather to plant some tulips around the terrace in the garden and to rescue the strawberries. I also try to treat the fungus gnats and aphids on our indoor plants with neem oil.
With the outside world still wet and gray, I get a lot done indoors while dreaming about garden work. As I’d been craving some cheesecake, I decided to bake some from scratch–something that I hadn’t done in over a decade. It did not quite go as planned.
The outside world is cold, gray, and wet. But inside, I am preparing for spring. With false spring come and gone, I am taking advantage of some indoor days to get some seeds started, bake bread and make some home-made pizza from scratch.
I went to the garden to start the beds. Naturally, I got distracted. I usually only have a vague idea what I want to do when I head to the garden. Most times, I get distracted even from that vague idea. This time, I got distracted from my distraction, as well. Well, now I am ready for strawberries.
If I want a garden this year, it’s time to make a plan and start some seeds. So, after checking on the garden and going for a walk, I went to work and finally got my pepper seeds, chili seeds, and tomato seeds started.
Spring is coming. Now that I’ve survived the exams, I get to focus on all the things I need/want to get done: planting some spring flowers on the balcony, building a new shelf for the kitchen to get more storage, and clean up this mess left by flu and exam stress.
I don’t like it when plans change. While going for a spontaneous walk in the middle of making dinner felt good, other changing plans derailed me a bit. I was supposed to build a shelf, but instead got to remember how bad quality has become the norm. So, instead, I make some more food, and focus on other things.