Category: On Things

  • On tracking and analytics

    On tracking and analytics

    I don’t have a cookie banner on my website–because I don’t use cookies. I don’t know how many people use my website. I’ve disabled even tracking clicks and opens for my newsletter. I won’t know how many of you open the emails. And I’m okay with that. A few days ago, I had an issue…

  • On being sick and community

    On being sick and community

    Hello lovely people! I don’t know if there will be episodes this coming week, as we are still pretty sick. This flu has kicked our behinds pretty thoroughly. FLU & HEALTH After a few days of the flu, we were slowly getting better. But then I woke up to one of the worst days of…

  • On almost giving up

    On almost giving up

    Hello my lovely people, there won’t be an episode tomorrow. I also want to talk to you about some serious doubts about continuing this journey. But let’s start where we left off last time. I almost didn’t manage to upload an episode last Wednesday. After the laptop issue in the morning, I managed to get…

  • On living barefoot

    On living barefoot

    I started walking barefoot almost three years ago, and have only put on shoes when forced or when the situation benefited from them since. That means, I am barefoot almost all of the time. Over the years, my calluses have grown, and my feet can withstand a lot. That means, the threshold to put on…