After playing catch-up for weeks, I finally get to do some of the things I want to get to. The first snow falls in the forest outside, and I make the best of being stuck indoors–and actually get some things done.
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In a year without a summer, fall fell fast. And then winter came even faster. Just days after this episode, I’ll be snowed in. I woke up to the first layer of snow that very morning.
No longer longing to be outside at all, I made quick work of the produce I hadn’t gotten around to the day before. I chopped one zucchini, sliced another. I used some of the fennel for the stock or soup base, or whatever this is supposed to be, and dehydrated the rest of the bulbs.
I prepared beet roots for creamed beets one of these days. Even added some apples to the dehydrator. I left the middle slices, and decided to make muffins again later that day, so I prepped the apples.
Hours later, all the veggies were chopped, and the stock was simmering on the stove. I was spent but felt accomplished.
While waiting for the last wax to melt, I dealt with the humidity. I have to do that a lot. Then finally poured my last candle–or so I thought.
I finally got to do the things I’ve been wanting to do. Lately, I’ve only been playing catch-up…
I had to admit defeat on sharpening knives. I just can’t do it. But now I can pass on the sharpening stone. My mom is giving me a food processor for my birthday soon, so the behated blender can go. It came with a lot of stuff I never used, and I am so glad to be rid of it.
I will soon be continuing my kitchen “make-over,” for lack of a better term, from what I started last spring. In preparation, I’m sorting the mess.
Hopefully, all the aphids on these trimmings–well, and their eggs–have drowned by now, and the trimmings will make it into happy little pepper plants. After all, there is a hydroponics system ready and waiting for them when they root.
Just when I thought I was done, we broke one of the candles, and I had to remelt the wax.
I’d fed one of my starters a lot of flour yesterday to make this apple-onion-bacon pancake thing for breakfast. While that cooked, I added some extra wax to my shoes to make them fit for snow hikes without wet feet. Yes, even I am going to wear some boots.
The pancake failed spectacularly, but was still very good to eat. Not pretty, though.
The peppers I’d trimmed just a few days earlier, were already sprouting new leaves. So, it was time to add some artificial sunlight for the dark days of winter for them and all my other indoor plants.
The pothos and philodendron in the right pot will definitely need the help as they are kind of tropical plants. The boldo (toilet paper plant) on the left will benefit, as well, of course. Hopefully, it’ll grow large enough to use the leaves soon. Yes, it’s called a toilet paper plant for good reason.
My kitchen is still far from efficient to use. There are some things I have to change to make it work. So, I started by measuring the nook. I will need a trip to the hardware store soon.
I’ll also be figuring out a better place to store empty jars. Oh, and create some kind of pantry, right. For now, under the hallway bench will do just fine. I am still trying to figure it all out. Slowly, a picture is forming. But I spend a lot of time just staring at shelves.
The dehydrator has run its course. Apparently, it all smells really good to Pepper. And then I returned the walnuts to their place. Well, I did tell you the kitchen isn’t very efficient right now.
All the dried goods went into jars. And the wax from the broken candle perfectly filled up my unfinished one. Ha!
That evening, I blended the beets into a powder, poured the stock through a sieve, and made a very quick dinner. I chopped some garlic and onion, oh right, and some home-dried tomatoes.
Remember all those carrots I chopped last episode? Here they go.
The butter in my sauce had hardened. It didn’t matter at all. As always, it’s all good.
So long, and thanks for being here.