008 I almost never wear shoes

written by Kate on in all life year01

This time, we are talking about living barefoot. I share how I got started, share some beginner barefoot advice, and talk about living without shoes permanently.

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I don’t recognize the person I was a few years ago.

I no longer wear shoes. I sleep on the floor. I don’t own a lot of things. I don’t wear makeup. I don’t shave. I bite into trees. I forage for food. I cook from scratch. I grow a balcony garden.

None of that would have sounded realistic a few years ago even.

We will talk about all of those in the future. Today, we’ll talk about living barefoot. So, take of your shoes and come along.

It’s been almost 2.5 years since I went cold-turkey on shoes. I don’t really know what the spark was. But within a few months, I changed how I walked, slept, lived. Part of the reason was chronic back pain, but I’m sure there was more to it. Maybe I read something, heard something.

I would not recommend going cold turkey. It wasn’t smart. A slow transition is much better for you and your feet.

Start by going barefoot on grass, moss, and soft earth, and then extend the time you spend barefoot. Walk on the grass next to the pavement. Pavement might look smooth and easy but should be saved for later. Mud is another great choice. Bonus points if your feet get muddy to your ankles.

Over time you’ll be able to handle more tough environments like snow, forest floor with leaves, shrub, spikes, and thorns. You’ll be able to balance on wood without worrying about splinters harming you. And no, your feet won’t look all weird and rough. You will build calluses. Your toes will spread. But no one will notice.

What’s really scary is that more than two years after ditching my shoes, I still have a bent toe from high heels. It will probably take a lot more work to undo the damage shoes have done to my feet. The shoe industry doesn’t care about your health. They only care about selling you something. Once you actually look at the studies, you realize that shoes are doing a lot more harm than good these days.

It was a really big issue when I wanted to start running. I knew my feet weren’t ready for barefoot running yet, so I needed footwear. In the end, I got some very thin running sandals. By now, I can run barefoot on most of the ground I encounter around here.

It was actually Pepper who convinced me to try it. I was equipped for a walk. Pepper wanted a run. So, I ran.

I still wear my sandals for longer runs without Pepper when I want to go faster than my feet can currently handle. But I hope to do most of my running without shoes, soon, too.

I mostly wear the sandals when my husband and I go for hikes through the forest where the ground slows me down too much. Alone, I handle all of this barefoot, but it takes more time than I am willing to spend when I’m with company.

And that seems to be the main thing: going barefoot takes time.

I am barefoot almost all of the time. Putting on shoes is a conscious choice now. I go to the grocery store barefoot, fill my car with gas barefoot, have even had dinner at a restaurant with my in-laws barefoot.

People usually ask me about cold and what they perceive as dangers. Yes, walking barefoot in snow is cold. It’s definitely not a beginner barefoot thing. But it works. As long as you don’t have to stand still for too long, cold is totally manageable.

The calluses under my feet are strong, so glass shards, splinters, and such don’t scare me. And the pores of your skin are too small to let in things like gasoline at a gas station.

Honestly, my feet are probably cleaner than most, as I wash them regularly. When was the last time you washed yours? When I get home, I wash my hands and feet. It’s that simple. That way, everything is clean when I cook, eat, sleep.

I feel a lot more connected with my surroundings when barefoot. You wouldn’t believe how different all the ground cover feels. The best peeling, the best massage. So, instead of worrying what people might think or falling for excuses, try it.

So long, and thanks for watching.

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