Category: From the Beginning

  • 075 Planting spring flowers

    075 Planting spring flowers

    Spring is coming. Now that I’ve survived the exams, I get to focus on all the things I need/want to get done: planting some spring flowers on the balcony, building a new shelf for the kitchen to get more storage, and clean up this mess left by flu and exam stress. Spring is coming, and…

  • 074 When plan change

    074 When plan change

    I don’t like it when plans change. While going for a spontaneous walk in the middle of making dinner felt good, other changing plans derailed me a bit. I was supposed to build a shelf, but instead got to remember how bad quality has become the norm. So, instead, I make some more food, and…

  • 073 The first day in the garden

    073 The first day in the garden

    I finally got to work in the garden! Instead of a quick look, Pepper and I have a good look at everything, and then get to work. I clean up the garden house, take down a tree, and somehow make the trash piles even bigger. I finally got to work in the garden. There are…

  • 072 The garden wakes up

    072 The garden wakes up

    The garden is waking up, so I take a good look around and enjoy some sunshine before heading home to prepare a pork roast in the air fryer. I’ll also explain why I am no longer vegan. There is garlic! Yay! Oh! The onions are coming, too! Looks like everything survived the winter. It looks…

  • 071 Everything is dirty

    071 Everything is dirty

    The dishwasher broke again. Cleaning and repairing it led me down a rabbit whole of more things that needed cleaning. It felt as if everything was dirty. So, I cleaned. That afternoon, I even got to enjoy the sunshine on a forest walk with Pepper and my husband. There’s some actual sunshine outside. I’m excited!…

  • On tracking and analytics

    On tracking and analytics

    I don’t have a cookie banner on my website–because I don’t use cookies. I don’t know how many people use my website. I’ve disabled even tracking clicks and opens for my newsletter. I won’t know how many of you open the emails. And I’m okay with that. A few days ago, I had an issue…

  • 070 Kitchen catch-up chaos

    070 Kitchen catch-up chaos

    Things had been piling up. Now that I was finally able to do things again, it was time to tackle them. So, I canned potatoes, baked some bread, and took care of a million little things. I am so glad, I can finally do things again. Okay, there are a lot of things I need…

  • 069 Almost feeling human

    069 Almost feeling human

    After ten days of the flu, pneumonia, and antibiotic side-effect bingo, I was finally able to move enough to feel human again. As I was craving potato salad, I made mayonnaise from scratch, and mixed a pretty good German potato salad together. My husband and Pepper also checked on the garden for us and found…

  • On being sick and community

    On being sick and community

    Hello lovely people! I don’t know if there will be episodes this coming week, as we are still pretty sick. This flu has kicked our behinds pretty thoroughly. FLU & HEALTH After a few days of the flu, we were slowly getting better. But then I woke up to one of the worst days of…