004 Starting a balcony garden in a tiny space
I started a balcony garden this spring to add some food to our fridge and explore growing my own food. It’s a steep learning curve, but let’s start at the beginning.
003 My kitchen is a useless mess
This isn’t a fancy kitchen make-over. I’m sure the end result is where most make-overs start. This is about making my kitchen a place where I enjoy to cook, ferment, can, and all the other things I’m learning. While the world outside wakes up, I finally get to tackle this project.
002 Building a greenhouse and preparing for spring
Spring has been slow to come, so I took my time to get ready. I planted seedlings, started building a greenhouse, and spent time in the forest and at the beach.
001 Learning to live in balance?!
Even after years of learning and teaching about the environment, I still live a life that is far from ideal. I’m slowly learning to live in balance, to say no to the societal pressure of more, more, more.